शनिवार, 7 मार्च 2020


  • When choosing a container, don’t just go for style points. You should also consider the size and material in relation to your plant.
  • Ceramic pots will retain moisture and are best for plants that like humid environments, while clay-based containers dry out quickly and are better suited for plants that are sensitive to overwatering.
  • Containers with skinny openings create a vertical look and cause leaves to dangle, and wide openings allow leaves to spread horizontally.
  • Always use pots that have drainage holes and a saucer to make sure you don’t overwater, causing the plants' roots to drown, and make sure the saucer is always emptied of any excess water.
  • Also consider the height of your hanging plant. Long plants should hang higher to keep their leaves and branches from trailing on the floor. Smaller, shorter plants can hang lower for a better view. And don’t hang anything too high to the ceiling—this can prevent proper airflow to the plant.
  • You’ll have to take down your plant in order to water it, so don’t hang it so high that maintenance is unmanageable.
  • Room size matters too: Hang larger plants in larger rooms to give them space to spread out.
  • If you have pets, it’s always a good idea to hang your plants out of reach from your furry friends. Some plants can be toxic to animals (and kids) if ingested…and even if they’re not, it’s a mess waiting to happen.

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